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Where do we go from here?


Updated: Oct 14, 2023

There comes a point in every human's life where the road behind them is lined with briars and yet the road ahead has not yet been made clear. Where do we go from here?

Many endeavor to insist that they know the way and yet are secretly swimming in some kind of soup that they use to quell their worries and secret fears. Then there are those of us who outwardly exclaim from the rooftops that we have no feckin' idea where we are going, we cry a lot more, listen to our bodies but some how by the grace of all things holy are still up right, loving others and plodding the path with delight, inward.

Why inward, you may ask... well, that's where we're going, though most don't know it. They think it's forward or upward or making off to the bank with the royalties and memberships they solicited others to sign on the dotted line for. "Join my newest blah blah blah for a low price of $555 where I will share with you all the things that works for me, because they were only intended for me but I decided to share the information with you so I could make money---" club.

Inward is the new (old) upward, don't you know? Look within, its all there. Every bit of anything you will ever need, it is all there. Even the love that you perceive from others. It is only their gesturing, lighting up all the love centers within you, mirroring you, back to you. Why do you fall in love with a person? You see qualities you like in them, qualities you see within yourself. You fall in love with the you, you see in them. Then when they stop acting like those things, those qualities, you say, "you've changed," no they haven't changed, the illusion ended. So then you go out and find a new "you" in another person and again it is affirmed, I can love others!

What if... what if we took that love that we shower onto others in romantic relationships and love ourselves and heal all those sore, sensitive spaces, so the love never ends and it just keeps on growing? So that it keeps growing and spreading all across the world? So that we can mirror the best qualities within others, back to themselves, that they may find encouragement in this cold, dark world? What if we didn't need to be right all the time? What if we just listened? What if we didn't need to shove our opinions and versions of what's right, down other people throats? What if? What kind of world would we live in then????

Oh wow... it might be some kind of utopian love world!

"Yeah but... they're wrong!"

-Yeah well, so are you! Does it bloody matter? Do you feel better, making them feel bad because you needed to tell them their way was wrong? Do you not realize that your judgmental mouth has been the cesspool and orchestrator for destruction in the lives of those who you have vomited your judgmental thoughts all over?

Keep your completely PERSONAL opinions to yourself. You're doing more harm than good. if people are left alone to actually think and process for themselves without the constant gesturing and stabs from others, they can and *will* figure it out!

Someone needing intensive, emergency care is one thing but barfing your opinion (I don't care how valid you think your reasons are) you are damaging the minds, hearts, lives, feelings, self-esteem and everything else that goes along with it---- of the lives of those around you. You do not know what you are doing, you pretend to have your own life in order, end of discussion...


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