What good is gold if you have no one to share it with? What value is a spread of food with no bellies to fill other than your own? What profit is it to have a house filled with rooms and not another soul to occupy them? What good is it?
Where there is generosity and an open heart, love grows and spreads and replicates itself in the hearts and minds of others.
This place is strange. It truly is, it's entirely upside down. It isn't that I don't value entertainment but by and large some of those who entertain are unjustly elevated to the place of idols and heroes. When the camera is on, demonstrating compassion and servitude, being kind to those in want and need. This is the fulfillment of the aesthetic, the show--- the illusion of generosity and kindness. Oh but the donations to various places? Ah... the tax write-off's, that's right! We can't forget about the kickbacks and benefits!
My son's class has been discussing bullying and bullying awareness. Bullying is unkindness. Deception and lying is unkindness, which is a form of bullying. They have been talking about how bullying isn't always as blatant as pushing someone or just calling them a butthead but it is also the underhanded ways of unkindness and meanness. I am grateful that he is learning not only at home that unkindness is unacceptable but also in class so that he doesn't normalize or associate hot/cold behavior and fickle or unkind behavior as love. So that he doesn't normalize being greedy or selfishness.
I know this world wasn't normal 4 decades ago when I was born but I have watched it slowly tip upside down more as the weeks, months and years have passed. School isn't responsible to teach my son what's right and wrong, that's my job. The doctor isn't responsible to keep us healthy, that's our job. We have passed off the responsibility to others because largely we have been taught that we aren't capable of making sound decisions for ourselves or we're simply told we're wrong.
I tried living in upside down world, but I awakened to the amount of lies I had to tell myself on a daily basis just to operate on the plane of upside down world. The underpinning of upside down world is nothing I am interested in being connected to as it feels heavy and unhealthy. It didn't make sense anymore and I could no longer tell myself that it did. This is why we're sick; fat, smoking, vaping, drinking, shopping, scrolling, tik tok-ing, vlogging, sexing, drugging and selling ourselves--- as a general populace. Then on top of it we've got financial collateral damage mounting in the tens of thousands! We go to work all day for 8-10-12 hours a day to earn a living to share with the people that we love that we never get to see because we're working, then on the weekends we're too tired to spend time with them or we have a list from here to Andromeda of things we need to catch up on. What the actual f*ck!?!? Seriously!?!?
We have been goaded into believing this is normal! We weren't born into this, this happened right under our noses, and we went along with it, figuring it was a sign of the times or--- "it's just how things are now, that's just how the world works." That isn't normal! I don't give a flying rip if this is how it is now! It's not okay and it isn't normal!
I will not normalize what isn't normal. I don't care if I am told it's how the world is now. That's not my world, its unacceptable. My world is the world and culture I create within my family and my home. If your kid goes to school and bullies' people, it's your fault. He didn't learn it anywhere else. How does mom and dad talk to each other? What do mom and dad read/listen to/watch on tv? What is the culture in your home or homes? It's no one else's job!
I know folks don't like to take responsibility for squat anymore, but the building is burning to the ground because you've been dousing it with gasoline. And nothing changes either until we assume responsibility for our part. Until we're willing to face our part or participation within the corruption, the corruption remains in our hearts, minds and on our doorsteps. I didn't make these "rules," THIS actually is the way it is, not because some rich as*hole puppeteer pulls the strings on how to jump.
You're either aware of your placement on this plane or you're being strung along, used, calling it fate or the way of the world. You choose.
No one is immune to the addictive and blinding qualities of the things they slather on their wounds, calling it culture, religion or enjoyment. What are you normalizing that you can see now clearly for what it truly is?
How to release it? Stop playing with it. Set it down. Let it go. Walk away. Think of it as a weed in the garden of your world. Stop watering it.
Yes it can be that simple. As long as you believe the lies that hiss and whisper in your mind, you will be controlled by what we call addiction. Not everything you think, is your thoughts and they're certainly not all true! Dear gods what a disaster that would be, right?
You have the power and ability to choose what is normal in your world. No one else has that power but you have the ability to take the power back. You are more capable than you realize. You can shift your life, it is never too late. xx